Why is a Power Quality Analyzer So Important?
A power quality analyzer is a device used to measure electric power signals in order to determine the load’s ability to function properly with that electric power. A power quality analyzer is incredibly helpful, both commercially and in regular, everyday life. Without the correct electric power, electrical equipment may fail prematurely or malfunction. When do you need a power quality analyzer? Do you know there’s an electrical issue, but aren’t sure where it is coming from? This happens quite a bit, especially in a large commercial setting. These so-called “mystery disturbances” are upsets to a processor-sensitive equipment operation that don’t seem to correspond to any identifiable source of power disturbance, but are able to be identified with a power quality analyzer. It could be ground loops, lightning, high-speed transients, or even common-mode electrical noise that is the original cause of the problem. If one of these is the problem, you won’t be able to corre...